Future of rewards, gift cards, loyalty tokens on web 3.0 & metaverse

Jajeththanan Sabapathipillai
5 min readOct 18, 2022


Fundamentals of loyalty programs

Loyalty programs have been around for a long time, but they have not been able to keep up with the world’s evolving needs. The traditional loyalty program model is based on the premise that customers will be loyal to one brand or company, but this is increasingly becoming less true with today’s technology and digital economy. Today’s consumers are used to using multiple apps and platforms in their daily lives and many of them don’t want to be restricted by just one app or platform for all their purchases or services.

Loyalty programs are also very useful to companies who want to gain an advantage over their competitors by having a large number of interested customers in their network at any given time. This allows for better insights into what products people want most often and how much money they spend on them, which helps businesses make more informed decisions about what products should be produced next year or during this quarter (or even today!).

How can blockchain bring in more value to the customer and the merchant?

The advent of blockchain technology has given us a new opportunity to rethink loyalty programs.

Blockchain gives us the ability to tokenize loyalty points, which means that they can be exchanged between users in a secure and transparent way. They also enable you to create new types of tokens (such as digital currencies) that you can use within your platform or store online.

If you were running an airline loyalty program where members get points for each flight they take with your airline company and then redeem those points at certain stores or restaurants within specific regions around town — you could use blockchain technology to tokenize these points so that users don’t need access anymore! This would allow them instead just see their balance right there on their phone before booking anything else like tickets or hotels — saving time when traveling since most people already have all this information readily available anyway.”

Let’s say you have a loyalty token stored in your wallet and you want to buy something from Amazon or Walmart. It’s very easy for someone who has not been around crypto yet, but if he/she knows how to use it then his/her life would be easier and more convenient.

Here are some examples:

  • You can use your loyalty token at any store that accepts cryptocurrency as payment (eCommerce). This means that if you have an eCommerce website where people can pay with their favorite cryptocurrencies, then they can easily buy products from Amazon or Walmart with the help of their tokens!
  • Another possibility is that someone wants his friend who lives far away from him because he doesn’t want him buying anything online at all times; this person might suggest sending him some kind of gift card code instead so he can make purchases wherever he wants without having access
Loyalty token on Web3.0 & Metaverse

Tokenizing loyalty points and exploring loyalty tokens opportunities on web 3.0 & metaverse

Tokenization is the process of converting one type of asset into another digital representation on a blockchain or other distributed ledger technology (DLT). In this case, loyalty points are converted into tokens which can then be used to purchase goods or services on web 3.0 & metaverse platforms like Roblox, Sandbox & Decentraland. This means that instead of having to pay with cash or credit card when purchasing something online, users would instead use their digital wallet as an alternative payment method.

A loyalty token is a digital asset that can be used to redeem and transfer loyalty points. Loyalty tokens are not owned by any one entity, but rather they exist on the blockchain as part of a decentralized network where all participants have access to them. They are similar to cryptocurrencies in that they allow you to buy goods and services using your cryptocurrency balance or transfer it between accounts online via wallets like Metamask or other wallets.

  • With loyalty tokens, you don’t have to exchange your hard-earned dollars into fiat currency to use them. You can use them just like any other crypto token and spend it at partner stores.
  • Redeeming your rewards points at retail outlets (e-commerce)
  • Spending them at restaurants, hotels etc., which accept cryptocurrencies as payment

Loyalty tokens have many uses beyond just purchasing goods and services

  • They can also be used as rewards points within an ecosystem like Metaverse where participants can earn more tokens by engaging with each other (such as completing surveys).
  • And they can be exchanged between crypto and fiat currencies, which means that you can swap your crypto tokens back into fiat currency as well.
  • Loyalty tokens are also linked to a customer’s identity, so it’s easy to keep track of who has what and when.
  • Redeem their loyalty points into NFTs and then use those assets within the ecosystem (e.g., buying game items)
  • Gamify the loyalty system for a company and community via metaverse immersive experience
  • Onboard new customers via gamifying the loyalty program (eg: adding points for every referral, and then rewarding them with discounts and other perks).


If you’re a user of the metaverse, it’s time to explore how you can benefit in the metaverse via loyalty programs. The metaverse presents an exciting opportunity to leverage these same principles in your own business. With virtual worlds, loyalty programs can be created by simply embedding a code into a customer’s system that rewards them with points when they purchase something from your company’s store within the virtual world. These points can then be redeemed as cash or other rewards like free shipping or discounts on future purchases.

If you’re a business owner and want to enter into metaverse loyalty tokens, it’s time to get on board with the trend. Metaverse loyalty tokens are ideal for businesses that want access to new global markets of opportunities and are living to the trend of digital currency adoption.

Is metaverse the new social network ? If so, how merchants can retain existing or onboard new customers via combining loyalty programs with web3.0 & metaverse.

The future is here, get ready for a transformation that is going to change the way you do business and do things in your life.



Jajeththanan Sabapathipillai
Jajeththanan Sabapathipillai

Written by Jajeththanan Sabapathipillai

Blockchain Engineer, Full-stack developer

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